Imagine this special place: A community where children are safe, loved, healthy and well educated. A community that inspires artists, encourages athletes, protects natural beauty and the environment and celebrates its heritage. A place committed to sheltering the homeless, honoring its elderly, protecting families in crisis, and transforming disabilities into abilities.
This is the work of the Glens Falls Foundation, the non-profit community trust that serves Warren, Washington and northern Saratoga Counties.
We now have two affiliates, Granville Community Foundation Fund
and Salem Community Foundation.
Since 1939, the year it was organized, the Foundation’s primary purpose has been to improve the quality of life for the people of the Greater Glens Falls area by providing financial support to organizations that address the community’s human, social, cultural and educational needs. See the organizations we’ve helped.
Please consider joining this worthwhile effort with a tax-deductible contribution or a bequest. Your contribution is a generous gift to future generations, helping to ensure that the Greater Glens Falls area remains a great place to live. Just imagine all the good we’ll do.
Our Story
The Foundation provides grants to non-profit organizations and donor-directed scholarships for area students. It also serves as an endowed investment fund for non-profit organizations. Funding for the Glens Falls Foundation and its sub-funds comes from private donations and bequests. The Foundation does not conduct fund drives. Its current assets exceed $25 million.
The Foundation funds capital projects, equipment purchases, start-up costs, and special projects of non-profit organizations.
The Foundation's Distribution Committee meets quarterly to select the recipients of grants based on applications submitted by non-profit organizations. The Distribution Committee also awards scholarships based on the applications of eligible students and the recommendations of guidance counselors.
The Distribution Committee consists of seven members: One is appointed by the Supreme Court Justice of Warren County, one by the Surrogate Court Justice of Warren County, one by the Supreme Court Justice of Washington County, one by the Surrogate Court Justice of Washington County, one by the Supreme Court Justice of Saratoga County, one by the Surrogate Court Justice of Saratoga County, and one member by the mayor of Glens Falls. Current members are Donna Metivier Perkett, Chair; Mark L. Behan, Vice-Chair; Stacey Mandelbaum, Dianne Shugrue, Jessica R. Botelho, Esq., Dr. James Fuchs, and Elizabeth Barton-Navitsky.
Non-profit organizations are encouraged to review the Foundation's application procedure when preparing a request to the Foundation for funding. Requests for operational funds are discouraged.
Crandall Library Photo: Ann Beha Architects, Boston, MA Photographer, Peter Vanderwarker
Lake George Photo: Photo Courtesy of Carl Heilman